Robert G. Bookhultz Plumbing, Inc. - Is your water bill higher than normal?
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Is your water bill higher than normal?

Is your water bill higher than normal?

A higher than normal water bill can be caused by many factors. The hot summer months has us watering our grass and washing our cars. But depending on the increase in your bill you may have something more going on. Small plumbing issues like running toilets and dripping showers can be inexpensive to fix, but can have a huge effect on your water bill. Robert G Bookhultz Plumbing can help you troubleshot these issues and have you fixed up in no time.

If your water bill has jumped a significant amount you may have something a little more serious like a broken water line. When an in ground water line breaks you may see water on the surface. Often times the hole starts off small in which case you may see a patch of extra green grass. This is your broken waterline leaking out just enough to water the grass but not enough to break the surface. If you are lucky enough to see this, have it checked as soon as possible. This will allow you some time to schedule an appointment rather than having an emergency service call.

If you have any concerns about leaking water lines, running toilets or leaking shower faucets please contact us today! 1 (410) 552-4502 or 1 (301) 317-6706

Posted on Thu, Sep 03, 2015 - 04:06 PM
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